Hi, I'm Daniel
As a young progressive residing in Assembly District 5, I see the need for promoting candidates and policies that will serve the needs of everyone - people like you and me. I’ve lived in Placer County since graduating from Sacramento State in 2016. As an advocate in the victim-services field, I worked alongside domestic violence survivors navigating a complicated system and have held their hand as they harnessed their resilience. I currently work as an investigator protecting our seniors in nursing homes. I volunteer with the Placer Democratic Party and Placer Action Network, a club dedicated to community service and political action.
I am passionate about our progressive values that prioritize the wellbeing of all Californians. Our state has always been a leader in innovation and inclusivity, and I am committed to continuing this legacy by addressing critical issues with practical solutions. As a resident of Placer County, I also see the need to unite rural and urban communities and recognize that we are all working towards the same goal.
We need the next generation of young Americans to fight for our human rights. This means making it unequivocally clear that healthcare, housing, education, and freedom is a human right.
As someone who has seen victims denied access to their healthcare by their abuser, I will advocate for a universal healthcare system that provides comprehensive care to not only our county, but every Californian, regardless of their income or employment status.
We've seen corporations capitalize on a public health crisis and consolidate their power and wealth. It's time to close the wealth gap and ensure economic opportunity. This includes preventing price gouging, supporting small businesses, and implementing fair tax policies that hold corporations accountable.
The housing market has been brigaded by corporations looking to make a rental profit. We must expand affordable housing, protect tenants' rights, and address the housing crisis and homelessness by implementing realistic solutions.
Together, we can build a California that reflects our shared values. I am dedicated to being a voice to push progress forward.
Daniel at GoatHouse Brewing Co. in Lincoln, CA.
I’m endorsed by the Progressive Delegates Network (PDN), a statewide grassroots coalition of progressive democrats running as Assembly District Delegates of the CA Democratic Party.
We have shared our values of ending oppression, making California work for the working class, and reforming campaign finance to make lawmakers and policies works for all of us, not just those with money and power.
Why I’m Running
I don’t know about you all, but I’m sick and tired of the direction our country is moving in. We may be stuck in a two party system (for now), but at least one of those parties should be working for us. As a young progressive, I see the need to push the Democratic Party forward and make the party work for working class people.