Expanding Healthcare is a Pro-Small Business Move

Healthcare insurance is a large cost for small business.

Did you know, over 99% of all businesses in California are considered small businesses? A large cost to employers is providing health insurance for their employees. Employers spend on average over $17,000 a year PER Employee on family insurance plans! On average, the employee then has to cover 27% of that - up to $6,500 annually. Health insurance companies charge ridiculous premiums to employers, which ultimately forces employers to offer lower salaries to their employees. 

What can we do? There have been many proposals for a universal healthcare solution. One such proposal would simply take the average cost an employer already pays for employer-provided health coverage, reduce that amount by 2%, and implement a single-payer system. This means employers pay less, employees pay less, and employees get better coverage since the costs are not artificially raised by insurance companies and executives lining their pockets. Healthcare for all is pro-small business and SAVES businesses money.



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